Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Some recent books


Here are some newly published books that I've been busy working on for the past couple of months. Broadly speaking, all of them are "art-related": three of them mostly contain pictures, with brief essays and commentaries in Japanese and English, while two are essentially text-based.


Chihiro Minato: The Gourd Museum


This is a rather fabulous little book about humankind's long relationship with gourds, from containers to musical instruments to magical objects. Somewhat unassuming outwards, it is all the more striking when you take a look inside. It's printed on transparent paper, with the Japanese text to the left and my English translation to the right.

Sugiura Kohei: Books, Letterforms and Design in Asia

杉浦康平先生の対談集、「アジアの本・文字・デザイン」の英語版がなんとインドのMarg Publicationsから出版された。(それとも「間もなく出る」かもしれない。よくわからない。) 英訳の約半分は僕だ。(以前、日本のウェッブサイトに載せるために別の人が翻訳した部分もあるし、また一部はもともと英語だった。)きれいな本になって、元の日本語版にない部分カラーのところも入っているのも面白い。

This is the English language version of the Japanese book shown to the right, and contains a series of conversations between Prof. Sugiura and other graphic designers from China, Taiwan, Korea and India. I've translated about half of it; some parts had already been done by another guy, and some parts were originally in English to begin with. This nice-looking volume has just come out (or is soon is coming out, I'm not quite sure) from Marg Publications in Mumbay, India!
Incidentally, my translation of another of Prof. Sugiura's books, Forms Come Alive: Spirits in Asian Design is forthcoming from Hong Kong later this year.



Tiger Tateishi: Moon Trax


A collection of paintings by Japan's late great master of surrealist nonsense, Tiger Tateishi. They look like comics, but are actually huge oil paintings - and comics too at the same time, of course, full of science fiction gags and dimensional warps. The book contains a few bilingual essays and commentaries as well, with English translations by me.


Yoichi Nagata: Star of the Stars


A striking photo book about cosplayers of the night, luxuriously printed in six fluorescent colors. The shape and layout of the book is rather weird too. I translated the philosophical essay by Kai Iruma.

Takeo Desk Diary 2015


A beautiful calender from Takeo, a paper manufacturer who wants to showcase their products. This year, the theme is fittingly "paper-making." Bilingual, with English translations by me.


Baptiste Virot said...

Hello, did you translate for the Tiger Tateishi's book?
Looks amazing, but hard to get I guess...

Kusagauma said...

Hi Baptiste,

Thanks for your comment. Yes, I translated the essays in the Tiger book. It's still in print, so you can order it through Amazon by clicking on the link. That's probably the easiest way to get it.

And I really ought to update this blog with some more recent stuff, too!