I happen to know the word for "butterfly" in quite a few languages. This is not because of any particularly profound interest in these winged creatures, but rather that they, like hearts and flowers, have a tendency to turn up a lot in popular songs - as symbols of female beauty or of male fickleness, as the case may be.
However, there is another striking thing about these words.
English : Butterfly
Swedish : Fjäril
Danish : Sommerfugl
German : Schmetterling
French : Papillon
Italian : Farfalla
Spanish : Mariposa
Portuguese : Borboleta
They are all totally different! Even in closely related Western European languages, where otherwise most terms tend to derive from a common Romanic or Germanic root.
I have no idea why this is, and don't know any other examples like this.
Apparently, the Dutch word is "vlinder", which once again is completely unrelated to the rest, but this is the only one I had to look up in a dictionary so I cannot really vouch for it. I guess I don't listen to a lot of Dutch popular music.
今年は参加する国も記録的に多いし、関連イベントも多い。その中にも特に見たかったのは San Giorgio Maggiore島の教会の中の Anish Kapoor の"Ascension" (昇天)というインスタレーション。入場は無料だが、船で行かなきゃいけないので、馬鹿高いボートパスを買うことになったが、その価値があった。